Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Hints & Cheats

Game Guide

  • Max Payne 2 Game Guide

    Do you die inside of a New York minute everytime you load up Max Payne 2? Try reading our game guide for a full walk-through, general tips, weapon strategies, and cheats.

    Max Payne 2 Cheat Codes

    Console Commands

    Make a shortcut to maxpayne2.exe, right click on it and select ''Properties.'' Where it says ''Target:'' you will see the location of your maxpayne2.exe file. Change this text so that it reads ''C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Max Payne 2\MaxPayne2.exe'' -developer. Make sure that the ''-developer'' part is on the outside of the quotation marks. Start the game with this shortcut, and then press the ''~'' key while in-game to bring up the console. From there, enter one or more of the following commands:



God Mode, All Weapons, Health, Inifinite Ammo

God Mode

Disable God Mode

All Weapons


Show FPS Rate

Show Extended FPS Rate

Get Beretta with 1000 ammo

Get Colt Commando with 1000 ammo

Get Desert Eagle with 1000 ammogetdragunov
Get Dragunov with 1000 ammo

Get Ingram with 1000 ammo


Get Kalashnikov with 1000 ammo

Get Molotov cocktail with 1000 ammo

Get MP5 with 1000 ammo

Get Pump-action Shotgun with 1000 ammo

Get Sawed-off Shotgun with 1000 ammo
Get Sniper Gun with 1000 ammo

Get Striker Gun with 1000 ammo


Get 1000 Painkillers

Get 1000 Health

Clear console screen

Jump 10 high

Many more debug commands

Quit game

Fill in part of the story line


Fill in part of the story line

Fill in part of the story line

Jump 20 high

Jump 30 high

Turn on HUD
Restores bullet time hourglass to full

Speed up / slow down the game

Start the game with the -developerkeys tagline at the end of the shortcut. While in game, press home and end to speed up or slow down the game.

Change Character

Make a shortcut to maxpayne2.exe, right click on it and select ''Properties.'' Where it says ''Target:'' you will see the location of your maxpayne2.exe file. Change this text so that it reads ''C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Max Payne 2\MaxPayne2.exe'' -developerkeys.

Once in game, press PgUp and PgDown to change your character model. Some models are special, and some levels do not work properly with this code:

Cheat Effect
Enemies/Payne/Mona/Vlad/Vinnie No slowmotion in Shootdodge, infinite 9mm ammo
Bravura/Finn/'Wall Street Yuppie'/Vinnie in 'suit' No weapons
Unusable levels Generally, any level where Payne moves in a cutscene. ie Get in elevator

Access the Secret Ending

To view the secret ending of ''Max Payne 2'', start the game in ‘Dead On Arrival’ difficulty mode, and then enter this into the developer console:

Cheat Effect
maxpayne_gamemode->gm_sendendofgamemessages( ); Shows you the secret ending (different ending) of the game

Max Payne 2 Easter Eggs

  • Kung Fu Poster

    In part 1, chapter 6 go through the entrie fun house til you are in Mona's hideout. Once Inside look around in Mona's gym area. You will find a poster of the famous Max Payne 1 mod Kung fu by Kenneth Yeung.

  • In Memoriam (eerie)

    This could be found on Part 1 Chapter 7 (The Million Dollar Question) After entering the room with a cleaner talking to another outside a window, take em off both. Jump into the lift outside the window and press the button to make your way down the scaffoldings. Make your way further down the scaffoldings into another window below where you've just seen a man taken off. Blast the cleaner inside with a shotgun (preferably! bang!) and instead of going inside, move your way further to the left side of the building (walk on the ledge). There you'll see an open window with some sort of faint light emanating from the inside. See for yourself what's inside the room! Eeerie!

    Max Payne 2 Secrets

    • Special Ending

      To get the special ending, simply beat Dead on Arrival mode

    • Taking cool screenshots

      Start the game with maxpayne2.exe -developerkeys -screenshot.
      To do this you right click on your shortcut (which is usually on your desktop) and add -developerkeys -screenshot after the target line, here's an example:

      ''C:/Games/Max Payne 2/MaxPayne2.exe'' -developerkeys -screenshot

      Then when you're playing press the pause button and then F3 and you'll be able to move the camera around freely, and with F10 you'll take a screenshot which will be saved in a folder called 'screenshots' in your Max Payne 2 folder. To get the camera back to normal just press the F3 button two more times.

    • Instantly Unlock All Gameplay Modes

      Go to Start Menu->Run and type in ''regedit''. Press Enter.
      In the directory tree on the left, Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->Remedy Entertainment->Max Payne 2. Click on the ''Game Level'' folder, and some items will appear on the right side of the screen. Right-Click and select New->DWORD Value

      Double-Click on the entry you just made and set the value to 1. Rename the entries to the following:

      LevelSelector - Unlocks ''Level Select'' mode
      timedmode - Unlocks ''New York Minute'' and ''Dead Man Walking'' modes
      nightmare - Unlocks ''Hard-Broiled'' mode
      hell - Unlocks ''Dead On Arrival'' mode

      Max Payne 2 Glitches

      • Lots of Empty Clips

        Similar to the glitch in Max Payne 1 which allows you to drop the same clip on the ground numerous times by jumping, this involves the same technique. Once you've hit the reload button, do a jump roll (NOT [shift] bulletdodge) to the left, right, or back, as soon as the clip is coming out, when you come out of the jump roll, Max will drop the clip again, and the process can begin anew. However, jumping up or forward will not affect the reload.

      • Super Jump

        Switch from a one handed weapon (pistols, SMG's) to a two handed weapon (shotgun, rifle) or vice versa and immediately press jump.




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